This time, treat by my 2nd sis's bf at sri serdang. that place is a small place, but alot of ppl went there to eat(the traffic quite jam there since d road is small, and many big car there).the restaurant we went to is called Fook Hing Rest(beside a famous steamboat).
I didn't capture much photo here because my sis's bf's mum and sis joining us, kinda pai seh to capture all the meal. so i just capture our main dish which is LOBSTER!!haha..this is the first time i eat lobster, really thanks to my sis's bf Mr. Ka Wai.. wakaka..
besides this, we also eat abalone, big crab, lou sang,and some other which i forget already.. they order too much la.. XD.. but i love the abalone and big crab.. very nice ler.. XD
the lobster is very nice! really very tasty. it is cooked wif noodle. one lobster, we 10 adults here also cant finish it. yet we still have to makan d crab(alot there)..
when makan there, somebody brought some puppy along, and joey and jonathan sooo excited! haha.. they even brough a chair to somewhere near d dog owner there and sit and look the dog. XD..

well.. this meal cost about RM800+.. this year i really lucky to have a great meal for twice in a week... XD gonna fat fat liao!
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