that night, we are ordered to wear red shirt which make me feel very frust because i don't have red shirt. Finally i decide to wear my old shirt there with a short pants. haha..when reach the restaurant, 2nd year seniors give everyone a door gift(an angpow, inside wit a handmade bookmark).then i find a sit n wait. we are so hungry that time because we have to wait some others(they seems got lost). during the waiting time, SL seems very unhappy, neither me, because my stomach really really hungry! and there's yee sang on the's exactly like 望梅止渴。haha.. but it wont help, i get even more hungry.
We start our 1st meal "yee Sang" around 9pm or 9.30pm. haha.. i'm d one who get alot yee sang since i grab it fast! wahaha.. so sorry to hui ying who sit beside me because she cant get any yee sang. since i'm so kind, i sure donate for her(wahahaha..). then meal coming 1 by 1. oh ya! our table have 9 ee 1st year girls and a 1st year ee boy(guan yuan). however, our table seems the fastest finish all the food! all greedy girl!! wahaha...
then we have our yum seng section start from 1st year scream, 2nd year scream n finally third year. but 3rd year seems so lame coz they scream not united at all.. lame... wahaha..
after that, our courserep arrange celebrate our course mate, Jin Jian birthday (4feb). then li hong n me start crazy shouting sook lin n rong qing..haha.. really funny..
and so come to the end.
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